Project Activities

activitiesOver the course of the project, NACCHO will oversee the recruitment and selection of CBOs/LHDs, development of CBO/LHD work plans, and provision of training and technical assistance to support peer and professional lactation support efforts.

NACCHO’s Breastfeeding Project Team will work to ensure support for community-level peer and professional breastfeeding services and activities. The team will work collaboratively with federal and national partners to:

  • Provide background information related to the project, including access to NACCHO reports, data, and other resources necessary to implement programs
  • Develop and support an online community of practice portal to disseminate data and information to the project sites
  • Provide direct technical assistance for completion of tasks, including periodic webinars and phone/email consultations
  • Provide tools, guidance, and assistance to support organizational capacity to collect and report project data and evaluate activities
  • Provide training in areas identified on technical needs assessment survey
  • Assist in the development of sustainability plans for project activities
  • Establish a working relationship with all grantees
  • Communicate via email, phone, or on-site visits as needed
  • Conduct monthly peer sharing calls
  • Provide quarterly individualized contact with grantees
  • Mutually monitor performance and progress
  • Ensure terms, conditions, and reporting requirements are being met
  • Provide guidance on programmatic issues